We are very lucky to have so many amazing supporters.
If you would like to help with a fundraising event please email the team where we will be very happy to discuss your ideas.
Frequently we need to put out an urgent appeal for help, this could be for a dog who needs immediate vet care or to feed homeless dogs.
Please see below for our most recent Urgent Appeals.
Each month we hold a lottery to raise much needed funds to rescue more dogs from terrible circumstances.
Lottery announcements are made on our Facebook Page, so please follow us to get all the latest information.
Please see below for easy ways for you, your family, friends and colleagues can raise funds for Happy Paws.
Can you help by putting on a fundraising event? Perhaps a coffee morning, boot sale, dress down Friday!
Anything you can think of we would love to hear your ideas.
Please contact Lisa at info@happypawspuppyrescue.co.uk
We seriously wonder about humanity sometimes!
We have been working on rescuing this dear soul and finally she has arrived at the centre.
She has loads of open wounds and the pound she was rescued from thought they would just spray antiseptic on her skin. It must of stung like hell.
She is in desperate need of our help.
She is such a sweetheart and thank goodness we now have her under our care. We will have a run down on all her medical needs over the next couple of days.
The cruelty the charity is witnessing is so challenging BUT as long as we continue to receive your kind support we are committed to helping as many as we can and changing golden lives for the better 💝.
We would be so grateful for any donations to help towards her vet care, which we think are going to be quite high.
Please click the Donate button below.
Reference “GRACE”.
Together we will change her life for the better ♥️ THANK YOU.
The Turkish government are proposing a law that would round up the country’s estimated 4 million stray dogs and cull those that are not adopted within 30 days – almost certainly the vast majority.
The proposed legislation mandates municipalities collect the stray dogs and house them in shelters where they would be neutered and spayed. Dogs that are in pain, terminally ill, pose a health risk to humans, or are aggressive would be euthanized.
The move has raised concerns among animal rights advocates who fear many of the dogs would be killed or end up in neglected and overcrowded shelters.
What are we doing to help?
We are so delighted to let you know that thanks to the amazing support we received for our July Lottery, we have been able to rescue 26 goldens so far.
Happy Paws just has the best supporters EVER!
The situation in Turkey has been so hard on everyone, but without your support we wouldn’t have been able to take these TWENTY SIX sweet souls - they’re all safe now.
Please consider supporting our Legacy Appeal - we simply must keep the centre safe for the next 10 years.
If you use a lot of printer cartridges either personally or via a business please do let us know as we can have a recycling box sent to you home address.
Once full you just tape it up and take it to the post office - it’s that easy !
Please contact us info@happypawspuppyrescue.co.uk for a collection box to be sent to you.
It’s such an easy way to raise much needed funds.
Please consider choosing us for Easyfundriaising.
Every time you shop online our Charity will benefit.
Please click on the link below to sign up.
It's so easy to do and raises much needed funds for our work.
Thank you so much.
Patron: Lord Brett Maclean
Trustees: Lisa Smart, Mike Tomey, Dominique Douglas
Charity Number 1158323
Many of the photographs on this site have been provided by the families of our rescues. We are so thankful for the happy lives they have given our kids and for allowing us to use their images.